Wednesday, September 10, 2008


This summer Zada joined a Gymnastics Club at a local community centre. She loved it! They did mostly floor and beam. She got very interested in it while the Olymics were on, after I told her someday she could be on tv. She said one night while we were watching the Olympics; "Mom, I bet they didn't come and video tape us at my gymnastics." She thought for sure she would be in this Olympics. 


Last Wednesday was her last day so we got to watch what they have been doing. 


Before she started Gymnastics she had problems doing a back bend (she's very unflexable like her mother) but by the last day as you can she was was doing great!! She has expressed a new interest in taking ballet.


Anonymous said...

Good Dancing Zada!!
Good production mom.

Gymnastics looked like a lot of fun.
She is more flexible than Aunt Kristen too.