Monday, September 29, 2008

Stuff and Stuff

Fall is here in full swing. Zada is getting a taste of her own medicine these days. In the store I often here "MOM! Look at this, MOM look at that!!" This weekend I found myself doing that, "ZADA! Look at that tree! ZADA!! Did you see that one!!" There are lots of reds and oranges right now and they look amazing! If the weather holds out for next weekend I am hoping to go for a hike in Gatineau Park to take some pictures.

The pictures below are from our last night in St.Louis...err Catawissa. Kyle and Zada are such good buddies and it warms my heart to know that they can live 1600 miles apart and see each other a couple times a year and play like they see each other all the time. It makes the distance seem not so bad.

Zada has picked up a new interest, fishing. She loves it. The day she insisted on fishing papa's pond was the day it was 950 degrees F outside. That was the day I remembered how humid St. Louis can get. It was so gross out. Poor thing never caught anything, she kept getting her line snagged or it would break. We all decided to give up and try another time.

Zada isn't really a dog person, most of the time up here she is afraid of them or admires them from afar. She got along well with her buddy KC. Sadly the Sunday after we were back in Ottawa, KC passed away. She had been fighting pneumonia and had a high fever for about 4 days. We haven't told Zada, I'm not quite sure how I'm going to. Zada is such an emotional kid.

I hope when I'm 90 (If I make it that far) I look and act as young as my Grandma. At 90 she has a better memory than I do at 29 (ok 31). My sister and mom had a special cake made, we call it the quilt cake. Some people were asking why we had a cake made too look like a bed. Grandma's love is quilting so it seemed appropriate to have a quilt cake. It turned out amazing!