Friday, October 17, 2008


Welp. I'm employed. And, it was well worth the wait. I officially start on October 27th which is five days after my 3 year anniversary of moving to Ottawa! How exciting is that? I am looking forward to finally getting myself back out into the work force. It's going to be a huge change for all of us, but a very positive one.

There are a few things I will miss, here I'll list them for you in no particular order:

  1. wearing pj's from 9am - 2:30pm
  2. going to the gym in the middle of the afternoon
  3. hanging out with Megan mid-afternoon
  4. taking a nap if I want to
  5. picking zada up from school and going to the park with all the other moms
  6. volunteering at Zada's school

I'm sure I will find a ton more but there are a lot of positives with having a job most of them being financial gains. I think the one I'm happiest with is taking some of the stress off of James' shoulders. Oh my gosh and I'll get adult conversation during the day.

SO what's my job. Well I can give the gist of my job. My title, is Central Docket Administrator. What the heck is that? I'm working for a company that does copyrights, patents and trademarks. I will be working in the Patent department. I will be receiving incoming requests and mail that I will need to respond to and forward to the right person. Lots of data entry type stuff which I'm pretty used to and enjoy. I will be working right downtown! YAY! I will commute with James to work since I"m on the way to his work.

What's happening with Zada? Welp not a whole lot. We will be able to drop her off in the morning. She will go hang out with my friend Brigitte (I babysat her kids this past summer), now we trade. Zadas pretty happy about going to her buddy's house after school. Hopefully they won't get sick of each other.

I'd like to thank the ladies I used on my job references. It really meant a lot to be able to use you ladies. I appreciate everyone putting in a good word for me. SO thanks, you girls know who you are! :)

So that's it in a nutshell. I have one more week to relax and then it's hi-ho hi-ho off to work I go.