Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Major Milestones

I had hoped to get some pictures up here for you all but I failed... I always think about carrying the camera around with me but then I always seem to forget. Maybe it's because I don't usually carry a purse or bag and thus putting a camera around my neck would be very, I don't know touristy.

Zada has had two very major accomplishments in the last few weeks.

  1. tying her shoe laces
  2. mastering ALL monkey bars
Last summer I worked with Zada on tying - I showed her the basics and told her it would take a lot of practice. Last week she needed new shoes - the only shoes I have been able to find lately in her size are ones with laces. So we bought her shoes with laces but I explained to her she had to learn to tie them before she could wear them to school. After a huge blow out last Friday about shoes over the weekend she was determinded to learn to tie. By SATURDAY she was tying her shoes. No lie. Tying HER_OWN_SHOES_WITH_NO_HELP.  It isn't always perfect all of the time but I'm a pretty proud Mom.

Also last summer Zada began trying out the monkey bars but only on a rare occasion did she make them all the way across with no help. A few Tuesdays ago, my day to stay at school, all of Zada's friends called me over to their monkey bars. LINDA LINDA LINDA they all said - ZADA HAS TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING. SO I went over and she made her way all the way across with no help. I'm guessing that they were all impressed because SHE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN DO THEM. HAHA So this weekend at the "Spray Park" There are three different sets of monkey bars. There are the curved ones, the swinging ones and the high mega zooloo ones. She can do all three of them! This is very exciting. She is learning about callused hands - do you remember those? I do. I think my hands are still callused from the monkey bars! What's terrible is when Zada asks me to do them - mommy is too week! lol

Hopefully pictures to come this week.