Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just one Wall

So last weekend James and I decided to start working on our basement. We have been wanting to remove the bathroom in the basement since we moved it. Three people don't need four bathrooms. How lazy does one have to be to walk up 12 steps to go pee. Seriously. Not to mention I refused to clean that many bathrooms. We almost immediately turned the bathroom into a "storage closet" when we moved in. The shower was great for hiding unplayed-with toys and Christmas Presents. We eventually dismantled the sink and shower giving us more storage room.

Last week James said "We're ripping down that wall in the basement this weekend." YAY! We're finally going to work on the basement! These are our plans. Take out ONE wall, cap off some pluming pipes and add a couple pod lights. Oh yes and paint. Easy as pie. Our major goal for the basement is to make one area into Zada's play room and the other area into our TV room. It's in an L -shape if you can picture that.

So Saturday came and sure enough we took down the wall. Of course when you do that you have to take into count the pipes and what not. So far it was going pretty good. We even got our OMEN this week to finish up the basement. The Home Depot was running commercials on "BASEMENT RENOVATION WEEKEND." So we took full advantage and got everything we needed to FINISH the basement. NOT!

If there is one thing I have learned when doing projects on houses - it's A. Never simple B. you'll never get everything from Home Depot in one shopping trip. You will always go back at least twice to get everything!

As James started working on stuff this morning - mostly rewiring some switches and plugs we realized there was more to this project than 1 wall. We ended up having to take down half of the ceiling to figure out some wires and then realized the ceiling was actually starting to sag due to not enough support. I even pitched in and helped cut 2 X 4's with the electric saw! I am so proud of myself!

We are finally getting things figured out and hopefully by next weekend we'll get to the fun stuff and start painting! I'll be posting some before and after pictures when it's all finished. SO if you don't read anything in the next month you know we ran into more issues!

Zada has even been a big help - she enjoys using HER hammer to hammer in nails... AND she helps us UNSCREW screws when needed.