Monday, December 17, 2007

Have you Seen IT?

The remote. It's gone missing. Our remote grew legs and walk straight out of our house yesterday - IN A SNOW STORM! I finally know what it was like back in the dark ages when our parents had to walk up hills both way to get to school AND get up to change the channel.

The Short One was the last to lay fingers on it. She informed us that the last time she saw it, it was in her hand. This could be like the key incident. For those that didn't hear about that OR remember: way back when we were living downtown in the apartment Zada put my keys somewhere. When asked where she put it she couldn't remember. I searched for those keys for days. The problem was I couldn't get back into the building with them, and worse yet - I couldn't do laundry *gasping* alas we found them tucked away in a laptop bag. To which Zada responded...OH YES I remember now!! Thanks.

We are kind of treating this the same way...I mean we have moved the couch chairs and everything else around in the tv room. Nothing.  

So if anyone has any suggestions or ideas or can tell us where the darn remote please let me know!!!!!!