Saturday, February 23, 2008

Back to winter....Winterlude

Every year Ottawa has a winter festival that starts at the beginning of February. This is the coldest month - when you want to stay in by the fire and sip hot cocoa. Not here though; it's time to bundle up (add 4 more pairs of socks) and head out to the many Winterlude Sites. This year we decided to check out the Snow park located in Gatineau, Quebec which is just over the river from Ottawa. What's there you ask? Ice Slides, Ice Fishing, snow sculptures and more ice slides.

These are all made of snow. Next year I would like to actually watch them put these together because they are pretty amazing.

No we didn't shrink in the dryer the chair is that big!
Massive ice slides....
That's me and Zada getting ready to go down...
OMG this was fun! I was a little hesitant when I sat down but man it was fun!
This was actually the first ice slide we went down...
Zada at the bottom! WOW what fun!!!!