Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kick off to summer...

We always know when summer starts because it seems that's when the weddings start as well. The last 4-5 years our summers have revolved around weddings. Not just one or two but three to five. We are just that popular. This past Friday was a special wedding because James and I were both in the wedding. I guess you could say this is our third "walk" down the isle! We love eachother THAT much! It was a very nice wedding and we had a load of fun! Congrats to the Groom and Bride!

The other kick off to summer is the end of school. Oh the end of school. Today is that special day in Ottawa where all schools are finished. Zada is moving on to Grade 1 French Emerson. All day French. I keep telling her it's a good thing because now she and James will be able to communicate behind my back - or better right in front of my face and I'll just smile and think how cute it is my little girl can speak another language.

What are our plans for summer vacation? Weddings, Camping...a couple more Weddings. We are going to be visiting my father-in-laws hope full cottage again. I am so looking forward to doing nothing.This will be my last summer off. It reminds of the summer right before I turned 16... that was the last summer before I started working. What about that summer I left university - in to the real work force of no summer at all. I have to say I am looking forward to working hopefully come September or October!

Pictures of Zada's last day soon to come!