Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Grub Buster Day

A couple weeks ago we went to Ritchies Feed and Seed and picked up a few items. Our big ticket item were Grub Busters. We have a grub problem in our yard. It's gross. There's all these nasty looking white grubs. Besides the fact that they arn't pretty to look at they are destroying our grass. They need to go away. We didn't want to use any chemicals  for obvious environmental reasons. Not to mention we have kids and animals. The animals being "goats" aka cats. So we purchased them and the lady told us to keep the in the refrigerator for at least a week and to only apply them when we knew it would be raining.

Today was the perfect day because the ground was wet and it was raining and we're supposed to get more rain tomorrow. So after I dropped the kiddies off to school I rolled up my sleeves screwed in my lawn sprayer and shot nematodes all over the lawn.

What exactly are nematodes? Well let me tell you. Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic, non-segmented worms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world. Once released, the nematodes seek out their host, enter through body openings, emit a toxin and death occurs within 48 hours. The little creatures are quite gross to look at. I guess we'll see how these guys work. I must say that I feel like have little micro organisms climbing all over me!

If you're interested check out their website!