Saturday, September 06, 2008

First Day of School (and week)

Welp our grade 1er has completed her very first week of all day school. I myself was nervous because until last Sunday she was showing big signs of being a Kindergarten Drop-Out. We tried all the scare tactics, such as the police will come and take you to school and chain you to a desk to the more reasonable suggestions, you like dolls don't you? How do you think you'll be able to get a job to earn money to buy what you want? Finally on Sunday someone asked her if she was excited and out of no where she was super enthusiastic about going to school.

Tuesday morning came and she was very excited to be bringing a lunch and seeing her friends. We met up with her teacher in the school yard. Madam Beaubien (it sounds like this BO-BE-in) although the in part is pretty silent. Oh the joins of learning french!

For those of you who don't know Zada has been enrolled in the French Emerson program. What the heck is that? She will be learning all French until next year and then she'll be getting some English. The homework that she will be bringing home with her will be reading and math. Great. James gets the reading and I get the math. (He's heard me read french and well it's pretty terrible).

Tuesday when I picked her up from school we went straight to the park (it's on the way home). She opened her lunch box and to my surprise she hadn't eaten anything!!! I asked her why and because they have two nutrition breaks she wasn't sure what she was supposed to eat when. Poor kid. I have learned to label things with a 1 or a 2. Wednesday she ate almost everything. Tuesday night at dinner she ate sitting with her head propped up on her hand with her elbow in the table. Eyes very droopy!

She really enjoyed being in school and meeting new friends and playing with old friends at recess. I still can't believe she's in grade 1!

As for me. I'm applying for jobs in hopes to find something close to home. I'm also enjoying some free time to clean (or sleep). I'm also getting back into exercising since I didn't have time to do any of that this summer.