Wednesday, November 05, 2008


The snow melted. Just. In the. Nick. Of. Time! Thank goodness. It made for a pleasant night to go trick-or-treating and hand out goodies. Zada had a fun party at school where they paraded around the school in their costumes. When we got home James and Zada carved our pumpkin. Our gi-normous pumpkin. Apparently because we had so much rain up here this summer the pumpkins looked like they were on steroids. James and I both commented on our pumpkin being the biggest one we've ever carved.

After dinner - force feeding Zada something that didn't include pounds of sugar - I know we're the meanest parents in the land. We headed out to fill her Dora pillowcase with goodies. After making the round on our street we went back to our house to dump the pillowcase and hand out some goodies to the ghosts and goblins that came to visit us. Zada and James then decided it was time to get some more goodies and headed to the street where her buddy lives. I stayed behind to hand out more candy. Only not too many kids rang our bell.

Once Zada was home she spent the next 30 minutes organizing and sorting her candy into sections on the kitchen floor. They were all separated into their own specific category. It was pretty cute how she talked her self through it and justified why the eye ball candy went into a certain group and the Reese's pieces went into another group.

Over all the night was pretty good. Candy was consumed. Costumes were worn. Pumpkins were carved. And now.... it's Christmas Season. (Well at least up here.) We went to the store on Saturday and it was like... Halloween what? Everything was gone and Christmas was staring back at us. Jolly. Simply Jolly.