Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back to the grind...

Zada and I are back to the "grind" of our school routine. Zada started back yesterday and today was my first day back. I could definitally tell that it was the first day back yesterday. Zada was so tired when we got home I can always tell that's she's tired because I can't seem to get anything right. Today was the same way. _I_ got yelled at because she couldn't turn the faucet off! Thankfully I didn't take this personally as I know how tired she must be! I had kind of a lax day at school as well - the teacher hasn't returned back to school yet. Tomorrow hopefully.

The weather is trying really hard to warm up. My internal heater shut off about a week ago and now when I'm outside it seems really really cold - but it's not. Thursday we're supposed to be in the upper 40s(F) and rainy - bye snow!


Anonymous said...

The last of our snow should be gone today as we're supposed to hit 52F and get a lot of rain. The big news is 62F tomorrow with more rain.

We're finally getting out big thaw to get rid of all the white stuff. They are saying 55F & sunny all weekend, so I might have to get out and do some outside house-owning type stuff.
Can't wait to pickup landmines left by Monty from all winter long.

foran said...

you talk about the weather too much, but I still like you