Thursday, April 12, 2007

it's all worth it...

So today was grocery day. Normally the whole family goes but this time James had a lot of stuff to get done tonight so just Zada and I went. As most parents know what it's like to take a child shopping well it can be a hair-raising experience. From "MOM, look at this" to "MOM, I NEED THESE OREO COOKIES." Or "Hey James where's Zada?". So on the way there I explained to Zada I really needed her to be my helper. I laid down the rules;

  1. stay close to me
  2. don't wander off
  3. no begging
  4. no running (she enjoys running up and down the isles touching every sign in sight.
We got through the fruit and veggie section and life was grand! Simply grand. She was being such a huge helper and a great listener. We got to the meat section I was looking for decent cuts of chicken breast and this gentelman started to talk with me; he said "Excuse me, I would just like to tell you that your daughter has wonderful manners as she passed me and said excuse me." He then went on to say "I just want to thank you for that." Wow. It's working. The pleases and the thank yous and the excuses... it's working. I dropped right to her level and told her how proud I was of her. She then informed me that she just didn't want to bump him as he was starting to back up on her!! WOW.  That makes a mamma proud.