Monday, April 16, 2007

Winter won't go away...

I would just like to share with all of my friends and family what we woke up to here in Ottawa. Snow. This time not just a little dusting... This time we woke up to like 5 inches of snow if not more. I don't know if I'm more annoyed that there is snow on the ground in April or if I'm annoyed because I have once again washed all of the winter "stuff" in hopes to store it away for the winter. Just yesterday I took all of our scarfs, mitts, hats, snow pants and washed them. I have decided I will wash everything in August hopefully by then the snow will be a thing of the past - for a couple months anyway!

Enjoy the pics...

back yard

back yard

front yard


Anonymous said...

And I thought it was bad when we got a DUSTING in Detroit over the weekend... 52F today! WOOHOO!!

Anonymous said...

haha Ottawa sucks! :P

Anonymous said...

Soo sorry... that would just be the last thing I would want to wake up and see right now. I am done with snow, bring on the spring already. JACK LOVED HIS BDAY CARD!!!!