Thursday, April 19, 2007


It's here, it is finally here! Yesterday and today the temps have been fantastic. Yesterday the high got to 13C.. 13C!!! That to my American friends and family is a whopping 55F... 55!! People were running around like it was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk! Driving home from the grocery store people were jogging wearing sleevless tops, shorts and kids were playing with no coats... hahah It was great!

Today was a high of 15C which is 59F... again it felt like summer! I had the back slidding door wide open to get some fresh air moving through our house.  Zada and I have been battling a pretty strong cold the last couple of days so hopefully the CLEAN fresh air will get out! hehe

I am still weary of washing Zada's snow clothes - you never know - winter in May... I apparently wasn't the only Mom trying to wash away winter - one mom I spoke with today had put snow boots away and washed clothes, another mom had THROWN out her kids boots! hahahah I think we might be in the clear!

***immigration has moved to August 1st 2006*** What does that mean for me? We're looking at about 6-8 more weeks and hopefull we will have some definite answers!!! YAYAY!!!