Monday, June 25, 2007

The Three Alpacas and a Llama

Llama is in the back and the Alpacas are in front.

So our friends bought a farm not long ago and two weeks ago they purchases these four animals. All of which are preggo. Why an Alpaca? Their wool. It's very soft and is very expensive. These animals come from South Africa which is why their wool is rather pricey. What does the Llama have to do with it? The Llama provides as protection to the Alpacas. Apparently they will scare off any pr editors. The great thing about these animals is they are all very friendly and clean. Clean? What do you mean. Well not to be gross or anything but I was amazed to learn these animals go to the bathroom in one single spot EVERY TIME. It makes cleaning up very easy. The animals seemed to love kids. They are very curious about noises and people. While I was squatted down one of them came from behind me to smell my hair! Zada was a little intimidated by the girls. Do they make noise? Yes. They hum. It is so funny to hear them.

Me and Zenia the Llama - I was too afraid to get close. I didn't want to get SPAT on.

Next door visiting the Clydesdale's.