Saturday, June 30, 2007

Strawberry Shortcake Here We Come!

Friday the family went strawberry picking just outside of the city. We met up with a couple friends for breakfast and headed to the fields. It was probably a great idea to fill up on food BEFORE heading to the strawberry patch. Although our friends son had no problem having "breakfast dessert" of strawberries. He was way more interested in eating rather than picking!
Zada on the other hand made sure we didn't eat ALL of the strawberries we picked. My grandmother used to tell us for every raspberry we picked we could eat I think she said three. So I made sure I followed those rules. Listen to your elders, right?

It felt good to be green for a day! We managed to pick 8 liters of strawberries and it didn't cost our life savings as it does when we buy in the store!

This morning at breakfast:

Zada: "I picked this one for sure!"
MOM: "Oh yeah? How do you know?"
Zada: "Cuz, it is the biggest one ever!"

Support your local farmers!


Anonymous said...

Yes Linda you had it right. For every berry you pick you have to eat three. Grandma V's rules.
