Saturday, June 16, 2007

We finally learned!!

This week has been a calender marking week! Zada has learned to ride her Princess Bike on TWO WHEELs. That's right no more training wheels!! I think it actually started when her little neighbor friend informed her that he could now ride on two wheels. This was exciting because we have only seen him on a bike 1 time since we've lived in our house.

Tuesday night we worked trying to get her on two wheels and after much frustration she gave up. We tried to get her buddy to show her his skills but he said he didn't feel like it. So Wednesday morning I decided to take her training wheels off her Princess Bike - less distance to fall than the other bike.

We started at the top of our yard (grass is softer than concrete) and a few pushes she got the feel of what she was suppose to do. So we moved to the street... needless to say after 1 short 30Min's we got the hang of it! Starts and Stops were rough but she got it!

We immediately called Dad and then Grandma and Papa in STL to share this excitement.

Since Wednesday she has become an excellent biker! Even her buddy has been outside daily biking. They do loops around the street! So exciting!!

I can't believe how much she has learned in the last few months!!! Oh and many of you are asking about school and summer. Zada will be out in 2 weeks! It seems late but she doesn't go back until September. So it's not too bad. We're just ready for the pool to open! It's hot here!!!
Zada and Dad                             

In action                                      Battle Scares (there are 4 more band aids on the backs)
