Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fresh air NEEDED!

So the weather has been weird up here in the great white north. No it isn't snowing. Yesterday felt as though it could possibly snow. We did however have FROST warnings two nights in a row. Last week we had our A/C running because it was SO hot. So humid. Just like I am hearing about the weather in Missouri. Hot. Humid. Yuk - I tried to move away from that but it followed me.

All week it's been raining. So we've been staying indoors except when we needed to go to school. Yesterday it didn't rain so we biked to the park. Oh. My. Goodness. It was so cold. Zada wore 1 t-shirt and 2 sweatshirts. Rediculous! 

Today was (WAS) suppose to be sunny and moderatly warm. Sweet I can go for a long run. WRONG. It rained - it's STILL raining. I had my mind set to go running today. After walking Zada to school and remembering that I'm in a city that never stops. I decided to take my run (only my shorter route) in the rain. It was fun. I felt like a kid. Do you remember when your mom would say - "no you can't play outside it's raining!" That's what I felt like.

tee hee hee... I was playing in the rain!