Sunday, August 26, 2007

Grumpy Face Gallery

So I was talking to my good friend Sheila on the phone today (Hi Sheila!) and she inspired me to write this particular blog. She mentioned today at how happy Zada looked. I laughed because James loves to capture as many shots as possible of Zada being grumpy. Not to be mean but because she has such an awesome grumpy face. From what he tells me I too have a pretty great grumpy face. I tend to not show off these pictures to people because I don't want everyone thinking that Zada is extremely unhappy. That being said. Please enjoy my gallery of grumpy faces.

Zada getting made because we wanted to take her picture in the kayak but she didn't feel like it. This was taken this summer just a few weeks ago.

This was last summer on our trip - James kept bugging her about who-knows-what and so he took her picture to further her anger.

I threw this one in there - a morning after picture while camping.

This picture was taken right after we moved into our house. I'm not sure why she has an angry face but it sure is cute!

This was taken this summer during the Dragon Boat Races in Ottawa. Grandpa Ed was involved in one of the teams - this is Zada happily posing for her picture.

I'm sure there are more but these are a few of my favorite moments! I hope you enjoyed them as well.


Anonymous said...

Great work.