Friday, August 17, 2007

we're home., we're tan, we're ready for another vacation!

Hello readers!!! I probably should have mentioned that I wouldn't be around blogging this week. The family went on holidays! It kicked off with a wedding in Toronto a week ago followed by a week at a cottage on Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay is on Lake Huron for those of you who don't know. Lets just say Lake Huron is MASSIVE. We only saw a "small" portion of this body of water but you'd think you were right on the ocean. The water by our cottage was great we could walk for what seemed like miles before even hitting deep water. There were no fish, no seaweed just pure (chilly) clean and clear water. Right near our cottage was a swimming pool - after swimming in the lake we headed up to the heated salt-water pool where we finished out our evening.    

We made our way during the week to Wasaga Beach. The sand there is like nothing I have ever been on - well maybe in LA but it was pretty soft sand. Like our beach back at the cottage you had to walk pretty far to get into deep water. We waited for a really windy day to go to ensure we could catch some huge waves. Coming from Missouri where waves only come from boats they all seemed pretty huge to me! James and I spent over an hour playing in the waves - diving in them, getting knocked over. You name it! Zada wasn't too keen on the waves so she stayed at the beach with Grandma Linda and made sand castles. She even buried her noodle to make it look like a St. Louis Arch.
Another day we visited a little village that had these houses of The Three Bears, Mother Goose, Merlin's house, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and of course Hansel and Gretel's Candy House.  Zada had a lot of fun peeking in the windows at all the characters.
Thursday we spent a lot of time in the water at the cottage. The waves were pretty huge so we did a bit of white water kayaking. It was a blast!!!! Ed got dumped a couple times, James and I managed to keep ourselves upright. Zada didn't care too much for the water at the lake. It was pretty cold - once you were in it it wasn't bad. It was actually warmer in the water than out! She saved up all of her swim time for the pool.


 Zada doing her pose.

for all my Jung family - James captured a picture of Uncle Little Jimmy pig statue! I didn't even know until I was looking at the folder. It's like he KNEW about my long lost uncle. For those of you who don't get it. Family Joke.