Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Playground Discussions

Sucker or Lollipop?

That seemed to be the topic of discussion among the playground-goers today. There were two of the same conversations and completely different times. One was between Zada and another kid. She asked him quite frankly where he got his "sucker" from. He said, What's a Sucker? Zada being the kid of "always right" said That thing in your mouth. He thus informed her that it was not a so-called sucker but it was a Lollipop. I explained to her that they are one of the same. The more the kids said "sucker" the more horrible it sounded. Although I think any word you say repeatedly can sound a little bad or weird. I remember as a kid I would say words over and over in my head and kind of analyze the word. That word then seemed weird to me. Take the word anticipation for example - say it over and over in your head - put the emphasis on different parts of the syllables. Ok maybe I'm just strange. Words are funny. So back to the playground.

The sucker/lollipop discussion was between two moms. I didn't quite hear the whole thing but I heard one say - Yeah I'm from a small town I guess we just say "sucker". I must admit - Lollipop does sound a little nicer. Infact when I googled the word "sucker" searching for an image file to put up there I got pictures of fish, people SUCKing face, the first image file was of Bush. It wasn't until the fourth page did I get an image file of SUCKERS.

So Lollipop it is....yet another word I need instill in Zada's spounge brain. We are still working on the letter "ZED" and "Girl Guides" instead of Girl Scouts. That's more my fault than hers.