Monday, November 05, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

So these are long awaited for I'm sure... Below are our Halloween Pictures.

The Sunday before Halloween we attended a Halloween Party at the Community Centre Near our house. It was so much fun. The gym was full of games and the kids got loot bags to collect candy. Some of the classrooms were transformed into a haunted house. Zada was less than pleased with that part of the day. Another classroom was turned into a craft room - they got to decorate a mask and cookies! It was so much fun... that was until the hunchback guy showed up. That pretty much ended our day. Thankfully it was just as we were getting our coats.

After the party we headed to a small little Pumpkin stand near our house. While we were there we got to watch some men launch Pumpkins WAYYYYY up into the air! It was so awesome!
Pumpkin carving Tuesday.

The pumpkin was supposed to look scarey!


Zada got to show off her costum at school with all of her friends. She even got to pose with her teacher, mme Rachel who wore a witch hat. The two black bags are full of candy.