Monday, December 10, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree....

No Pictures from our STL visit yet. Someday.

We decorated our Christmas Tree yesterday. There was more involved in just putting together our FAKE but lovely tree and tossing on some ornaments. We do everything the long way around. We moved our tv to the basement (where it will stay until the movers move or we die). Then we moved the couch and chairs around opening up the whole space. I LOVE IT. It looks so nice. So the tree.

Oh the tree. While James was assembling the tree, Zada looked at each and every ornament we have; asking what each one said, where each one came from
whose ornament was whose and where it came from. Sometimes we don't take the time too think about the ornaments we put on the tree. We get an ornament for Christmas send the thank you card and go on about our holiday. Not Zada. As annoyed as I was to have to explain each of the ornaments one by one I was also pleased that Zada took such interest in my memories.  And now we are all ready for Christmas.

There will be pictures......eventually!