Friday, January 04, 2008

Snow....snow....snow.....and yes... snow

Ok so I'm almost finished talking about that white stuff. Yes. Me. It's getting annoying because every single time it snows you must shovel. We should have shoveled today. But ya know. Forget it. Yesterday it was so cold kids were told to STAY INSIDE to play. That kinda cold where your nose freezes and your fingers hurt in 5 mins of being outside.

Wednesday I promised Zada we would go to this little tiny hill by our house to go tobaggoning (sledding). Yeah well the tobaggon was in the trunk of the car. Which was in Hull, Quebec at work with James. He secretly goes tobaggoning at work. So naturally being the mom that I am - I made that promise. I promised that as soon as James got home from work we would go. Ok yeah so I also forgot that it gets COLD and DARK at like 4:30pm. His arrival time. Plus I needed to run an errand before. SO being the mom that I am - I took Zada tobogganing. I could only handle 15 mins before my fingers and toes were hurting cold. Not freezing cold but hurting cold. The funny thing about this little excursion was where we went was has not been touched by another (nutty) human. The snow was above my knees. No lie. There were picnic benches and the snow was covering them, all you could see was the very top part of the back rest. It was NUTS!! ANd SOOOO COOL!

I asked my pop-in law to take/send some pictures of their back yard so you could all get an idea of just what kinda snow we're dealing with. I find it hard to really judge how much snow we've had so far. They have a picnic table in their back yard and you can really tell what kinda snow fall we've had.

ok I'm done talking about the white stuff... it's getting old.

Ps. since these picture have been taken we have gotten about 5 more inches of snow.