Tuesday, January 08, 2008

The Great Thaw of Ottawa....

So the snow came, buried us and gave me my winter AND NOW... it's all making it's way to the Ottawa sewers. At first I was a little sad to see the snow go. However, it does make life a little easier and more manageable now that there isn't near the amount of snow.

Zada started back at school yesterday - so far so good. It's nice to be back into the "swing" of things. She did come home drenched. Well... that's because she has a new "baby" - a piece of ice we now keep in the freezer. She takes it out periodically throughout the day to check on it and carry it around. Then when it shows signs of THAW she puts it back in the freezer. She said it always cries when she has to put it back there. She apparently kept it in her BOOT while she was at school yesterday. Today when she put on her boot it was wet.... hmm.. wonder why. !