Friday, February 29, 2008

..back to Mexico....

ok.... So I don't know how my people in STL are feeling about winter but up here we're pretty much tried of it. It's very cold and snowing almost every other day. Sometimes daily. The snow is not going anywhere! So the way I have been getting myself through these horrible cold days is gazing at our Mexico pictures weekly. I realized that I hadn't posted our vows. James and I decided we would write our own vows to make this ceremony even more special.... plus it's something I have always seen myself doing... that was until I had to actually write them... then it was all... Ok can we just do the til death do us part.... sure I'll honor and trust you or whatever.....

James is an excellent writer - which I knew going into this task; thus I told him that I did not want to go last when we had to do our vows. I wanted everyone to remember James' wonderful words vs. my run on sentences. As life often throws curve balls - James went first....

I had always hoped that I would marry my best friend.
Today that hope is once again realized as I give myself
to you in marriage. Linda, as we journey into the future
together, I promise to stand by your side, through the
good and the bad, and face as one, whatever life
presents us. I vow to honour and cherish you with
every ounce of my spirit, to catch you if you fall, to
comfort you when you cry, and to share your joy when
you laugh. I pledge to grow in my love for you each
and every day, and on that fateful day when my life on
this earth passes, I pledge then to love you even more,
with the purity and the wisdom of the stars.

...ok... dry your eyes... take a minute.... and then I said.....

James, you are my best friend and my lover. I remember when I first saw you at the airport sitting, waiting for me to arrive for the very first time. I knew from that moment I wanted you in my life. You have been my calming spirit. Zada said it best when said she was glad I married “this guy”. I feel the same way. I want you and everyone else to know that no matter where life takes us, we will always be together. Fate will guide us through sickness and health, sorrow and success. I love you and I give you everything in my heart forever and always.

James has posted more pictures on his flickr page.... check them out....