Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Yesterday was hot... So hot that Zada needed to take her coat off her arms because she was... was around 45F... It was such a nice little taste of spring... of course while watching the news last night - we were disappointed to hear that tonight we would be getting around 5 more inches of snow and the weather is back below freezing so we're back to winter. Spring was nice while it lasted... maybe next year.

As many of you have noticed I have been slacking in my posts since being back from Mexico. I guess I've been a little busy - babysitting. I was able to pick up a little babysitting from my friends. Twin girls... who are every so funny and have given me a nickname (as they do everything). Kiki.... no that's not the name of a stripper at a local bar that is yours truly. Not sure how they came up with it but I'll go along with it. It could be a lot worse - like.. Hey Lady... or MEAN OLE BABYSITTER...

Zada is doing well.... she will be a big 6 year old next week! We're hosting a birthday party this weekend with all of her friends and then on her birthday we're going out to dinner --- of her choice -- of course her choice was McDonald's.... so we suggested highly that we go someplace else... OH Zada remember that place where you get free ice cream AND toys...never mind the good food! lol

Well I won't keep you all... I hear you Missouri folks might have some shoveling to do! For once we don't..