Tuesday, February 05, 2008

we'reeee baaaackkkk..... and oh how we didn't miss the snow.

Well we're back... We actually got back Saturday morning but it has taken me this long to unburry myself from the mounds of laundry in our laundry room. What can I say about the trip:amazing! Thanks to all who went that made this event spectacular. To all those who couldn't make it - well we're kinda sorta planning a 2010 reunion trip. Same time same place. The wedding was everything I could have ever wanted. The weather was perfect the food was good and the "reception" in the Presidential Suite was amazing! James and I are collecting everyones picture and once we get them all he's going to post them onto Flikr. There are so many pictures we would love to share but not enough space on this blog, email, myspace or facebook. I will post a few to this blog so you can get an idea of what we were living with for a week. Once we get all the pictures posted I'll post the link...


Anonymous said...

love the one with your dad! how cute you both look incredibaly happy!


Anonymous said...

I really wish I could have been there. The place looks so beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great time!! I hope to go with you on the next trip.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are beautiful.. Congratulations again - "Little Linda"!
