Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Reasons to not move north....

I found this article today that talks about our snow fall so far this year... It's very interesting and pretty crazy! (at least for this YANK as many of my Northern friends now call me)

Budget-breaking snowfalls could set Ottawa records
Last Updated: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4:45 PM ET
CBC News
Ottawa snow removal crews cleared 63,000 truckloads this past November and December — enough to fill a dump-truck convoy stretching bumper-to-bumper from Ottawa to London, Ont., city staff reported Wednesday.
The two-month tally was more than crews cleared during all of last winter, John Manconi, director of the city's surface operations, told the city council's transportation committee.
With some winter months still to come, the cost of snow clearing and snow storage could continue to impose a big strain on budgets, he said.
"I think the key thing is you have two-thirds of winter left," Manconi said. "We're probably going to break some records this year."
Those records could come in the form of salt use and costly staff overtime.
"The melt that we had after the Christmas period helped us significantly," Manconi said. "I'm happy that our staff were able to get a very good rest last week for the first time in a month and a half. That was starting to be a major concern for us."He added that record amounts of snow have already been moved into the city's snow disposal facilities, although there is still room for more.
Manconi thanked council for the close to $3 million of extra funding his department got this year but predicted he will be over his $62-million budget for 2007. He will have to see how his $64.8 million budget for 2008, which includes $9 million for snow removal, will fare, he said.....