Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I have a cramp in my brain - I think they call it "writers block" or something to that effect. I wish I had some exciting story to tell. So instead I'll bore you with what we have been up to lately. Not much. We had those awesome warm weeks in April and then it got cold again. Our temps are finally climbing back up to where it needs to be. We've been doing small amounts of our door garden stuff. Like trying to grow grass in our yard. It doesn't seem to grow fast enough! I planted a few blubs and we are just waiting to pick up a few others to liven up our flower gardens. Exciting isn't it?

Mothers day was an interesting day. It was great because I got to spend it with my kiddo and my hubby. It started off a little rough as I got a call at 8am from my neighbor. She needed a babysitter for her daughter - she had to make a trip to the hospital with her son. So the little girl got to come over and have breakfast and hang out. In the afternoon we went Dows Lake to see some of the Tulip Festival and then to the inlaws for dinner.

Zada today just completed Swimmer 1 - she's been taking swimming lessons. She was the only one who was able to move onto Swimmer 2. Talk about proud mamma!

This weekend we are going to do our annual long weekend camp out. Hopefully the weather will hold out for us and we won't get R_ _ _ _D out. I'm not saying the word because ya know.

A couple nights ago we took some old uneated bread to feed the ducks along the river. It's always fun to watch the ducks this time of year because they are doing their "spring dance". The males are all territorial. It's fun to watch. James enjoys bringing his camera along to capture the wildlife.

Sorry for the lack of posting. I will try harder in the future to provide more exciting posts.