Friday, March 09, 2007


As most of you are aware the Canadian phrase to the American "HUH" is "Eh". While I have made it my life long goal to always tease my Canadian friends when they use this such phrase I have also begun to use it. I realized that "huh" really sounds funny up here so for the longest time I refused both phrases. Try it sometime it's hard. Wednesday night I took Zada to the store to get some new school shoes - hers were hurting her feet - while trying some on I heard Zada use "eh" for the very first time. I knew it would happen I just wasn't sure how long it would take her!

I guess the next big difference she will have to adapt to is saying the letter "ZED" aka "Z". When spelling her name in Canada it is supposed to be "ZED - A - D - A" which is hard for her since she's been spelling her name for YEARS! She is reminded quite often by her teacher that it is ZED and not Z. In the real world up here people say both.


Anonymous said...

Since I "straddle the border", I get to deal with both Canadian & American spelling and pronunciations.
I have to admit I like "Eh?" better than "Huh?" as well. "Huh?" sounds so backwoods. I even like the 'ou' spellings of many words even though MS Word always tries to correct me.
For some reason though I have a hard time with "Zed". I don't think I really like that one.

James, Linda and Zada said...

I'm with you on the "Zed" I don't know it sounds wierd to me and therefore I never correct Zada. Her teachers will either "learn" it out of her or they'll give up and let her say "Z".