Saturday, March 10, 2007

A penny saved is a garage door earned...

After 10 years of hard saved change and 2 boring winters we were able to roll enough change to replace our garage door opener! JUST THE OPENER. It broke about a month ago due to the garage door being frozen to the garage floor. Thank goodness for Sears  and their great sales we got a great deal. It's always nice to replace items in your "used" house. Now we each have our own little door remotes - James suggested I look "cool" and wear mine on my belt loop. I belive I will pass on this one. Zada is thrilled because she gets to keep the old one! lol It seems everyone wins!

That was our Saturday.

The three of us are fighting off a nasty cold - so I didn't do a whole lot. I did learn that mom's arn't allowed to nap. EVER. I tried to sleep but as soon as I snuck into the bed I had someone whom wasn't tired laying next to me. *sigh* *cough* *gasp* *mom?* hahah Finally she went to play with her playdoh but that too eneded up in our bed.  Zada finally gave up and went to help the "boys" with the garage door opener installation I could finally rest. NOPE. I had 1 cat scratching at the door and the other one on the inside of the door meowing. Zada was sweet and asked if I had a good nap. LOL