Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Shorts already?

It occured to me today that I haven't posted anything in a couple days - ok I was informed that I needed to post. I find that I get writters block sometime, nothing to really discuss or nothing really interesting happens. I can only write about walking to school and walking home from school before you readers will get bored and stop comming by.

Today was awesome - the weather got to around 55F. That has maybe been the warmest day so far this Spring. Our cousin was in town from BC so the family all went out for dinner. I think half of Ottawa had the same idea - as we went to two different places and the waits were around 40 mins plus. SO we went to Elgin Street Diner. SO yummy.

What I found amusing and interesting were the people. Many of whom were wearing skirts - no tights, t-shirts, shorts, and oh my sleevless tops. Sure many of them were joggers. Some where not - and quite frankly 55F isn't THAT HOT. I guess that's what it is to be Canadian. I'm not there yet - I'm still wearing a coat.


Anonymous said...

We broke records 2 days in a row after hitting 80F (26C) both days. You would have thought it was the Mojave Desert the way people were acting.
It's all about your point of reference i guess. When you are used to -873597845798 degrees for weeks on end, even a semi-mild day is hot!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, we've hit 80F a couple times already this spring, I'm not allowing the girls to wear shorts til it gets a little warmer... this is still capris weather...
Our winter was so cold... I'm ready for the warmer weather, just doesn't seem like it's already that time of year!!!