Friday, March 16, 2007

Will it ever end?

No I'm not talking about winter break - I'm talking about winter. I was ready to take our coats to the drycleaners and hang up our scarves. Done. I even washed Zada's snow "gear" and our mittens ready to pack them away and call it another successful winter. That won't be happening. According to our trusted weather people we will be getting about 10cm which is about 4inches of snow tonight and tomorrow.

I think I'm understanding Canadians - it's making sense to me. It's very funny to me that in July and August people are complaining (there's another word I'd like to use but I'll keep it clean) about how hot it is and how "they" are ready for winter. Then around the end of January beginning of February it's "I can't wait for Summer". Welp I'm feeling it.

The week started out as fairly warm and has turned to really cold somewhere around 10F. Thursday I tried to leave the house in a lighter jacket with no mitts. That was just stupid on my part.

Hopefully this will be Jack Frost last little "HA HA" and winter will let us go for one more year. Let the great melt begin please!!