Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Day 2 of March Break

Life is going quite well considering I expected to have an extremely bored child on my hands. Yesterday was fantastic; she was so busy playing with all of her new toys she barely spoke to me! There were times I got tired of doing housework I was hoping she'd ask me to play but never did! lol Today has been pretty much a repeat of yesterday. Zada started to get a little jumpy and bored so we went for a walk. It was kind of rainy - nothing crazy so we brought our umbrellas. We had to check out a few playgrounds to see if they were wet. The conclusion is they are still a bit wet.

As we were walking and talking I was thinking to myself that this time of year is gross. I think it's probably the only ugly time in Ottawa. Everything is so wet and muddy and just gross. The weather was nice today - Zada set the breeze in her face was refreshing! lol

Zada did find a dry swing on our walk and she was explaining to me that 5 year olds know how to make their swings go therefore she didn't need my help. She was also telling me all the things that 5 year olds can do - and 4 year olds are just too young to do them! lol