Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Great Quest to find Black Cat

Black Cat got out. She didn't sneak out of the house. I let her out. We kitty-escape proofed the back yard. Sort of. Apparently not well enough. Which is actually kind of funny because it isn't like "petite" Black Cat can get through just any spot. She needs a rather large area to get out. We don't like to discuss these things around Black because shes sensative about her weight.  Back to the real story. Somehow she found a hole.

Zada and I were playing in the front yard when we decided it was time to go in (ok I decided it was time - Martha Stewart was on). I made my coffee and was getting settled down for my little tv break when I realized - OH! the Pussy Cats are outside!! When I went out there much to my susprise (not really) the cats were gone. G.O.N.E. I did my little kissy call and Orange came running back to our yard through the little hole they found under the fence. I could hear Black
Cat meowing. The kind of meow you hear when they are stuck in the closet for like nine hours before you finally realize you closed the door.

I went into our neighbors yard and saw that she had gone over the fence towards the back of our house.  The only problem was she couldn't jump up onto the fence for me to get her and I couldn't get to her from where I was. She was too...large... to go under the fence. I went back and told Zada to get her shoes on we were going to hunt her down. We went around to see if we could find her but we couldn't really
 see or hear her without going through peoples yards. SO we went back home hoping she found her way. Nope. There she was still crying and scared.

To make a long story short, it took me an hour,  loosing her three times and going back to our house once to get the cat carrier to bring her home.

She is home and never to be let outside again. Ever. At least not until we dig seven feet under ground and put sheets of steal under the fence, then she will be allowed out. She thought James was going to allow her out - little did she know I phone him at work
to discuss her terrible behavior. She's grounded.

These pictures are post escape.


Anonymous said...

Bailey the Cat has only been outside twice in his entire life, and both of those times were accidental. Once he figured out his 14 pound weight could bust out the screen on the 2nd floor window. We found him on the front porch scared out of his wits. The other time was just last weekend. He figured out how to open the screen door to the back yard. I was gardening and turned around to see him staring at me in the back yard. He's getting adventurous in his old age (7) it appears....

Anonymous said...

awww... poor poor black cat... that was a pretty sad story... I must admit...
