Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sens Mile

As many of you know I have become a hockey fan. Zada has also become a hockey fan. It's hard not to be a fan in this house AND this city. It would be like being in St. Louis and NOT being a baseball fan. They just go hand in hand. Zada has even been caught yelling at the tv saying "GET THE PUCK OUT!"
Naturally we are very excited about the Sens being in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. We arn't so happy they are playing a little sloppy. We'll see tomorrow.
Saturday night we went to a Sens Party at our friends house downtown. They live about a block or two away from Elgin Street. Elgin has been closed to cars for every Sens game - thus the name Sens Mile. After the game was over Saturday night and we WON! *GO SENS GO* We decided to check it out. We had a blast!!! It was nuts. Yes, we took Zada. She was such a sport. Mind you the game didn't end until midnight - so it was a late night. She thought it was cool that people honked at her - she would yell at them "GO SENS GO!!!" People would run up to her to give her high fives. She didn't complain one time!
Enjoy the photos!

Karen and Zada
group shot
Zada and Dad in their red and black

This was supposed to be girls night!
Street shot