Sunday, July 29, 2007

.......I Do......

Hello again! It's been awhile since I have sat down and blogged. I kind of miss it and I guess you could say I have had bloggers-block. Nothing over the top or exciting has been happening - or maybe we've just been so busy!!

This weekend was extremely busy as our good friends Kevin and Megan got married. This was our second wedding and third wedding reception so far of the summer. We still have two more to go! James was a groomsmen in the wedding this weekend and he looked so cute in a tux. I think he should wear suits more often....not happening. The whole celebration really started on Thursday afternoon as the guys got together for Kevin's bachelor party. It was golf and then bar. James said it was so much fun but extremely hot. It was with beer. All was well and I think they had a blast. Then comes Friday. The day before the wedding. I was not in the wedding but I have been helping Megan with small things since "her" girls all live in TO. Friday night was the rehearsal dinner then I spent the night with Megan and her girls at Meg's house (I got the boot from my house). The boys were staying at our house.

Saturday we were up at 7am - Megan excited for the special day. She and I went to Tim Hortons for coffee and donuts (in our pjs) and then we started getting things together. The weather - it was very good. The ceremony was to take place outside. It rained the entire day but cleared up just long enough for the ceremony! It 
turned out to be a really great day.

Where was Zada in all of this chaos? She was with me some of the time and she was with Grandma and Grandpa some of the time - she did get to attend the wedding and had a blast. Oh and she caught the bouquet!! We took a fair amount of pictures so once we have time to go upload them and sort through them I'll post 'em!

Congrats Meg and Kev! Happy Honeymooning!