Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I didn't sleep well last night. I should have - I spent a lot of time outside yesterday and I am still trying to catch up on sleep from the weekend. I guess you could say I'm a little stressed. Tomorrow I have to visit the US Embassy to turn in some paperwork. I know I should be comfortable with it.. I mean it is the US Embassy and I am an American. I was reading online yesterday to make certain I didn't have to make an appointment and I stumbled on the "rules"... I think that is what has made me on edge about visiting...

Security Notice to All Consular Visitors

Please note that all visitors must be screened prior to entry and are subject to inspection via a walk-through metal detector and with a hand-held metal detector. Carried personal items will undergo full inspection by use of an X-ray machine and other equipment.

Prohibited Items

Please note that the following items are prohibited inside the U.S. Embassy/Consulate and we have no facilities for storing these items, so please leave them at your home, your hotel, or in your vehicle:
food and beverages
weapons or tools
backpacks, luggage, or purses
electronic or recording equipment of any kind, including, but not limited to:
laptop computers
mobile phones
cassette, CD, MP3 players
keyless remotes
and oversized strollers
Drivers, friends, and extra relatives must wait outside or return to meet the applicant after the interview has been completed - with the exception of applicants with children.
I can't bring my purse... I can't bring anyone with me... thank goodness Zada can come. Could you imagine, "no Zada I know you're only five but you can't come in... rules are rules..."

On top of the rules - the building itself isn't all that inviting. It has this huge fence that goes around it and I don't think you're even allowed to walk in front of the building. I feel bad for being scared to go into my own Embassy, infact I'm kind of upset that it is so uninviting! I guess it' s just different. Maybe tomorrow my feelings will be changed and I know 100% that it was just the silly fear of the unknown. I'd take pictures for you guys - but I can't bring my camera.
Us Embassy


Anonymous said...

It's about the same process for an American to go into ANY federal building these days. Christa has an appointment for INS at one of the Homeland Security offices in Detroit soon. I feel your paranoia.