Thursday, July 12, 2007


T-Ball has now been over for almost a month and I'm just now getting around to posting some pictures. I sort of forgot about the pictures. They happened to be on James camera so it slipped my mind. I have yet to scan in the "professional" pictures of the team. I'll get them all scanned in eventually - it's tough being home all day. lol

Coach James, Coach Linda and outfielder Zada and a member of the "Green Team". Our main goal as coaches was to make sure no one started fighting over the ball. Most of the time it worked out alright.
There is Zada our very own slugger. You can tell she has St. Louis blood by the way she hits the ball. She could really get the ball out into the field!
There's coach James - he was our batting coach. I was the running coach.

Zada and her team mate discussing the plays about to happen. Something tells me Zada is probably lecturing him about something. I think he might have been frustrated because Zada got the ball before he did.

There she is on third base! Way to go! She looks happy to be playing doesn't she? It seems that about 30 Min's into playing all the kids start asking if that was the last bat and it would be over soon!

At the end of each game we got into a huddle and cheered for our team as well as the other team. During the hockey playoffs we also cheer for the SENS. This was our last cheer of the season!


Anonymous said...

She is soo big... love it. I am soo happy to see you both soo involved in her activities!! Very fun family time. Thanks for sharing!