Monday, August 06, 2007

How we spent our weekend in Ottawa.

Friday night we made a return trip to visit our friends "in the country"; the ones with the Alpacas. We had a perfect summer dinner on their deck - sweet corn, chicken, potato salad, cole slaw and for desert - watermelon. It was great! Afterwards we took a little walk around their property to work off some of the food. James and I took a quick trip into the corn field - I felt like I was one of the "children" from the movie Children of the Corn. I was really terrified by that movie! If you look really closely you can seem me amongst the corn. James is somewhere in the second picture! James and I both commented on just how tall the corn stalks are when your standing next to them. From the road they sure don't look that huge! It was pretty cool to get sort of lost in the massive corn field!
Once the sun started to set we had a fire just in their back yard. Zada and Holden wrestled on the grass while we watched the sun set and drank a few beers. Holden absolutely adores Zada and tried to tackle her every chance he got! He managed to "pin" her a few times! Zada finally passed out by the fire in my lap around midnight! The girl is going to be a night owl!

Saturday I ran a few errands - one was to Walmart where I purchased Zada newest item. Goggles. She borrowed a pair of her friends at the pool a couple weeks ago and I just knew she would love her own. She took them to the pool on Saturday afternoon and then again in the bathtub Saturday night.

She is quite the little fish!