Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sighs of relief....

I made. Today I went to that big scary building downtown. Thanks to my friend Brigitte (whose name I cannot say properly in french) drove me down there - she even walked to me to the door to make sure I was greeted properly. Not with handcuffs or worse guns. In fact I was greeted by a very nice man who ask what my business was and allowed me. Then there was this nice lady who paid more attention to Zada than me who scanned my wallet. (I managed to smuggle that into the building.) Then this nice man opened the door for me (there are big signs on the doors that say STOP WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO OPEN THE DOOR FOR YOU) Americans are so into chivalry. Then the nice man that opened the door pointed me to the right place - the sign stated: US CITIZENS. There was this other line - so glad that wasn't my line. When I walked into the waiting room I was alone. The nice lady helped us and again paid more attention to Zada - she kept saying, I love her haircut it's so cute. Where did she go? Oh I also got asked the most asked question I have ever had "Are you related to the famous Carl Jung (pronounced Young) ? I laughed and said no.

After I was all finished talking to the nice people behind big glass windows we left. We awaited the nice man to open the door for us and said our good byes.  I was ever so glad this was a good trip. It was refreshing to know that just because it looks all scarey the people inside were kind.

OH you know what I did see - Lots of WANTED: Terrorist; there was even one up there for Osama. Pretty crazy stuff.