Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Support your Local.....everything!

Today was "Library Day" today. Zada has joined a little reading group at our local library - it meets every Wednesday for about 30 mins. It's kind of nice because it gives me a chance to roam around. Today I checked out the DVD section - since there is absolutely nothing on TV due to the writers strike. In the last couple years (thanks to the hubby) I have really gotten interested in documentaries. I find them way more interesting than just movies. For those of you who have watched a movie with me know I usually fall asleep.

I started browsing hoping to find something to watch, I did find one on Mexico that looked really interesting - but it was all in French. I would have spent the whole movie asking James what they were talking about, NEXT. Then in big bold letters I see WALMART. I have been on the fence about Walmart since I moved to Ottawa. When I first moved to Ottawa I was frustrated because there wasn't a Walmart in close proximity to where we lived. In fact James said he absolutely never shopped there. It wasn't until we moved that we were close to a Walmart. I can probably count on my fingers how many times I've been in there. So this documentary. Everyone should see it. It's interesting. As I always say, documentaries are one sided so take it for what it is. But I found it eye-opening and you can bet I will think twice before actually going into a Walmart.

I'm lucky because where we live there are so many other places we can shop without ever having to visit a walmart. That being said. I'm did my part in spreading the "word."

Hope you enjoy the movie!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely REFUSE to go to Walmart!! I haven't shopped there (on purpose) in probably 10 years. We got gift cards there for our wedding, so I made an exception then. But I still felt dirty about it :)