Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This better be the last of this white stuff.....

Ok here we go... for those of you wondering - we got a foot and a half of snow last Saturday/Sunday. Lets just say - that's a lot. AND, we need a snow blower!

This is our back yard. If you look closely at the neighbors yard you'll see a huge mound. They shoveled their deck off and tossed it over the side. It is now piled as high as the sides of the deck!
This was the accumulation of the snow on the side part of our fence.
Our Street - barely plowed.
This is our house - our garage is the one open. Our "yard" aka snow pile is to the right of the picture.
That's our neighbors yard aka snow pile. Theirs is actually bigger than ours! If that's possible!
Zada's bedroom window is just right of the little triangle. No she can't see out of her window!
Our mound. And me!
Just to the right there was a tree... when I shoveled on Sunday morning there was so much snow it was hip deep!
I'd like to say that was the last snow fall. But it's not. There are about 5 more days showing snow. Tonight being one of them. I am hoping to NOT see MORE snow when I wake up tomorrow. Winter sure isn't over!

(to see the pictures in a larger format click on the photo)